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NVS RP – The new system from the NVELOPE® range

Non-penetrating subframe bracket system used to secure Kingspan AlphaCore® Pads within rainscreen facades.

NVELOPE® Thermal Solutions describes a range of subframe brackets which further support the majority of the existing NVELOPE® systems for rainscreen and cladding building envelopes. Critically the SFS design guards against thermal degradation caused by compression of our Thermal Pad.
Fully supported by the SFS range of fasteners, the systems are specifically designed to simplify the specification and installation process by offering a range of thermal performance aligned to budget expectations.
SFS are now adding two new additional systems within the range, in collaboration with Kingspan Insulation, aligned with the launch of their innovative high-performance insulant called AlphaCore® Pad.
Kingspan Logo

Working in collaboration with Kingspan Insulation

SFS have a longstanding relationship with Kingspan in the UK and internationally.

As proven innovators in our respective fields, SFS and Kingspan have a strong presence in the building envelope market. We both have sustainability and safety at the heart of what we do.

The Challenges

Kingspan continue to research and develop a range of ‘super insulants’ which have unique and advanced properties well suited to the rainscreen market. These include significant improvements in thermal performance compared with traditional insulation materials. These thermal improvements could lead to reductions in rainscreen cladding zones or buildups offering numerous benefits to the designer and installer.

SFS were charged with developing a range of fixing concepts designed to complement and enhance the particular features and benefits of the Kingspan range and in particular, the Kingspan AlphaCore® Pad.

Complementing the performance of Kingspan AlphaCore® Insulation Pads

The SFS solution assures and complements the performance of the AlphaCore® Pad in the following ways:

  • Enhances the thermal performance of the AlphaCore® Pad by minimising the effects of thermal bridging (point loss reduction – chi)
  • Offer a primary support of the AlphaCore® Pad system which allows the elimination of traditional direct insulation fixings
  • Offer a versatile solution which can support a range of AlphaCore® thicknesses and normal tolerances
Safe, Secure, Sustainable


NVS RP Brochure

PDF | 1.41MB

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NVS RP – The new system from the NVELOPE® range

Non-penetrating subframe bracket system used to secure Kingspan AlphaCore® Pads within rainscreen facades.

NVELOPE® Thermal Solutions describes a range of subframe brackets which further support the majority of the existing NVELOPE® systems for rainscreen and cladding building envelopes. Critically the SFS design guards against thermal degradation caused by compression of our Thermal Pad.
Fully supported by the SFS range of fasteners, the systems are specifically designed to simplify the specification and installation process by offering a range of thermal performance aligned to budget expectations.
SFS are now adding two new additional systems within the range, in collaboration with Kingspan Insulation, aligned with the launch of their innovative high-performance insulant called AlphaCore® Pad.
Kingspan Logo

Working in collaboration with Kingspan Insulation

SFS have a longstanding relationship with Kingspan in the UK and internationally.

As proven innovators in our respective fields, SFS and Kingspan have a strong presence in the building envelope market. We both have sustainability and safety at the heart of what we do.

The Challenges

Kingspan continue to research and develop a range of ‘super insulants’ which have unique and advanced properties well suited to the rainscreen market. These include significant improvements in thermal performance compared with traditional insulation materials. These thermal improvements could lead to reductions in rainscreen cladding zones or buildups offering numerous benefits to the designer and installer.

SFS were charged with developing a range of fixing concepts designed to complement and enhance the particular features and benefits of the Kingspan range and in particular, the Kingspan AlphaCore® Pad.

Complementing the performance of Kingspan AlphaCore® Insulation Pads

The SFS solution assures and complements the performance of the AlphaCore® Pad in the following ways:

  • Enhances the thermal performance of the AlphaCore® Pad by minimising the effects of thermal bridging (point loss reduction – chi)
  • Offer a primary support of the AlphaCore® Pad system which allows the elimination of traditional direct insulation fixings
  • Offer a versatile solution which can support a range of AlphaCore® thicknesses and normal tolerances
Safe, Secure, Sustainable


NVS RP Brochure

PDF | 1.41MB

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